Friday, December 30, 2005

Wow I really dont like this film

Another day of Elephant equals to another day of not liking it at all. The caricatures keep on popping up in this film about Typical High School in Predictable, USA. If Gus Van Sant has any talent it is definitely in the comedic aspect of his film. Possibly the greatest scene I will ever see in a crappy movie is the one where the three superficial girls walk into the bathroom stalls and throw up on command like synchronized swimmers. I had a feeling it was coming when they felt fat after eating a salad WITHOUT DRESSING. Anyway if there is one bright spot on this horribly depressing film it is that scene. Now many of my peers would be asking me “Isn’t that one of the most depressing scenes? After all these girls are driven to a point of bulimia.” Ordinarily I would agree. However, in a film that portrays character types instead of people it is hard not to be amused at the sick nature of that stereotypical high school student. This entry may make me sound like an awful human being, but in a film that is such a downer with its message as well as the actual credibility as a film (I don’t think that makes sense) it’s important to find something to laugh about or to discover something redeemable about it. For me, that was a group of girlfriends struggling with a horrible eating disorder. For others it could be something else. But to save yourself for the wretch that this film is, please do what I did and find some amusement in this film.


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