Having seen
Shine once before (it doesn’t matter that I was 6 at the time) I was able to watch it the second time with different eyes. There were many things I had not remembered. For instance, I understood the first time that David Helfgott (Geoffrey Rush) had gone crazy and had a major mental breakdown. However, I didn’t remember how this happened. I didn’t recall the demon that had caused the exact breakdown. I knew that the piano was the sight of David’s ultimate high as well as his ultimate low. I didn’t remember that the Rach 3 was the specific piece that caused such pain. To me its interesting that music that is so beautiful can cause such anguish. Then again the piece symbolized so many different things. David’s father played by Armin Mueller-Stahl always pushed him to play Rachmaninoff because it was his favorite composer. There is one scene that sticks out to me in the middle of the film. It is after David has had many painful interactions with his father. David’s piano teacher in Australia comes to the Helfgott home in the night banging furiously on the front door. He screams to Peter (David’s Father) that he must let David go to America. The camera view changes to picture the inside of the dark house and then there is a close up of Peter in the dark, the reflection off his glasses providing the only light. To me it just sums up the entrire film.
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