Does true love really exist in
Groundhog Day? An uninformed reader of the film would immediately respond with a positive answer. “Of course there is true love. Rita and Phil have such a true moment at the end of the film. They finally realize what they need is what’s in front of them.” That could not be farther from the truth, or so I feel.
Rita never says she’s in lobe and neither does Phil. All Phil says is that he’s happy in that moment and she responds, “I think I’m happy too.” She
thinks she’s happy. She doesn’t know what she feels because she doesn’t really know happiness.
Also, are her feelings for Phil genuine and unadulterated? I don’t think so. Every time Phil tries to court her he never actually succeeds until the very end. All the previous times there was nothing special besides the mood of the evening that brought Rita to Phil. However the last time she sees how everyone else loves him and assumes that if the rest of the town can love a man they’ve known for a day then she can too. Good reasoning Rita. She is possibly vainer than Phil’s character in the beginning of the film. It’s been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She only sees his beauty through the eyes of others. That’s not love. That’s just going with the popular belief. We’re made to believe that Rita is this type of angelic figure in Phil’s eternity. She is supposed to deliver the message that Phil needs to change his ways. But Rita is no divine figure. The only one that comes close to divinity is Phil; not because he is perfect, but because he finally realizes that he is not perfect and tries to change. Rita assumes she is a genuinely good person and therefore she could never be considered an angel.
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