"Top Gun" - Universally acceptable
I saw Top Gun the other day. I would have to say that this film is the ultimate chick flick that guys can watch. It has a little bit of everything for everyone. It has the romance aspect for the female audience. It has the action and the flying adventures for the guys. The film also provides a few scenes that make everyone happy. For example, the volleyball tournament, which pinned Maverick (Tom Cruise) and Goose (Anthony Edwards) against Iceman (Val Kilmer) and his wingman Slider (Rick Rossovich), was for every audience member. There was the actual competitive game for the avid male sports fan and who can forget the male actors diving gratuitously in the sand. That last part was for the ladies. Another universally successful scene was the death of Goose, Maverick’s wingman.
The men could take it as the painful loss of a brother, an emotional scene for anyone. On the other hand, the women could see the sensitivity in Cruise’s character, which would of course make them swoon and love the movie even more. Now I know that this film is not a film at all. I also know that it is tacky and cheap and very poppy. However, the formula works to make the movie incredibly catchy. It’s a movie that makes it hard for the audience to turn away. Even if you’ve seen it before, you just like seeing what happens and you enjoy the rollercoaster ride that Top Gun is.
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