Holy Grail doesnt do it for me
I was watching Monty Python’s The Holy Grail the other day and it dawned on me that it wasn’t all that good. It was my first time actually sitting down and watching it. I had heard so many good things about this film: that it was must-see comedic genius, a benchmark in the humor genre, skilled writing mixed with classic British humor. The only category that this film fulfilled was that it was unmistakable British comedy, drier than a month in the Sudan. For some reason it didn’t fulfill me. It didn’t live up to its hype. I was expecting a film steeped in amazing comedy. I was prepared to fall out of my chair from laughter.
But, I never fell. I saw the “bring out your dead” scene and wasn’t too impressed. I saw the “witch” scene and again was not impressed. It seemed to me like the British troupe tired just a little bit too hard. While Monty Python brought a great deal of fame to the members, it hasn’t brought them transcending success. John Cleese has been seen in movies like The Out-of-Towners, the never version with Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin – not a good movie. Eric Idle has been spotted in Dudley Do-Right and Casper – neither was an award winning film. While this film may be a cult classic, it has not made me into a follower. Maybe I just need to see it again. Who knows?

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